Set just outside of Chicago, IL and Aurora, IL is the excellent small city of Joliet. With a population of just under 148k, it is great location to both work and to live. And just like the remainder of the state, this city is also experiencing an ever increasing demand for trained and licensed CNAs. This means that you might be one of the 1600 or more new certified nursing assistants the state hires in the coming year. Of course, the first step is to enroll in CNA classes in Joliet.

CNA Classes and Licensing Requirements in Joliet

Naturally, you must have all of the appropriate training and credentials to get a job as a CNA, and this means you need CNA training, testing, and licensing. This will all require that you use one of the CNA programs in Joliet that has been reviewed and approved by the Illinois Department of Public Health. Such programs are going to require you to commit to at least 75 hours to CNA classes and practical or clinical training too. There is also the need for a criminal background check, proof of immunization, and having CPR training and certification may be deemed necessary too.

Realistically, it can take around four months to complete approved CNA programs. After that they are allowed to schedule their Nurse Aide Competency Evaluation exam, which has to be done within120 days of finishing the training programs. When the exam is passed the student becomes listed on the official Illinois CNA registry.

Best CNA Training Programs in Joliet, IL

Though you may find many locations to obtain your CNA classes and training all across the state, the most convenient programs offering quality CNA classes in Joliet are:

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Skills Acquired in CNA Training Programs

What are you taught in your CNA training programs? In your classes, you will be asked to master a mix of practical and technical material that includes:

  • Safety of the patient;
  • Basic CPR;
  • Listening to and responding to common patient concerns, and how to communicate this to physicians and nurses;
  • How to properly toilet and dress patients;
  • How to take vital signs;
  • How to clean, bathe, feed, and generally care for patients in many settings;
  • Lifting and moving techniques;
  • Encouragement of independence for the patients;
  • Enforcing patients’ rights; and
  • Control of infection

Don’t overlook the value of having ample patience, compassion, an ability to multi-task, and a good sense of humor too.

Earnings Information

What do you earn after completing the classes, training, and testing? There is no single answer to the question because the work varies so widely. You might be a certified nursing assistant in a hospital or a home health aide who lives with the patient.

The median annual Certified Nursing Assistant salary in Joliet, IL is $33,240, as of August 4, 2020, with a range usually between $27,623-$39,869 (

Information about CNA Jobs in Joliet, Illinois

How do you go about finding the many kinds of CNA jobs in Joilet? Some people use a broad searching technique such as calling up all of the current openings posted to websites such as Craigslist.

Others people are more comfortable doing a very targeted approach that identifies only the jobs that are a good fit to their professional goals and wishes. These are the people who give their information and credentialing details to a nursing staffing service. Through this sort of service you can specify the work you hope to do (such as working as a home health aide, etc.) and the service will immediately give you all of the newest and most promising listings.

The most reliable names in Joliet include:

Top Employers

What if you prefer to get started in a far more traditional setting? Clinics and hospitals are ideal for this sort of CNA work, and are great locations for experiencing the entire range of CNA work. Some of the finest places to look in this region include:

You have a limitless range of options to become an employed certified nursing assistant in Joliet, but the key is to get all of your CNA training and licensing right away!

  • CNA Training Centers
  • Street Address
  • Phone Number
DIVINITY INSTITUTE OF ALLIED HEALTH 103 N. Ottawa Street 815- 727-9050
HEALTHCARE TRAINING INSTITUTE 2175 Oneida St, Suite 400B 815- 254-3738
JOLIET JR COLL JOLIET WEST HS 1215 Houbolt Road 815- 280-2463