Milwaukee has a burgeoning population and the need for skilled medical professionals. That includes LPNs, RNs and CNAs, as well as numerous others. The choice to become a CNA can allow you to work in a fast-paced, high-growth environment, as well as allowing you to take advantage of numerous options for employment. CNAs can work in hospitals, clinics, nursing homes and even home care settings. Here’s what you need to know to enroll in CNA classes in Milwaukee to become a certified nursing assistant.

Where to Find Information about CNA Jobs in Milwaukee

Whether you have completed your CNA training or are just looking into your options, finding information about CNA jobs in Milwaukee can provide essential details to help you make the most of your career. You’ll find information available from a number of outlets, including the following:

  • Favorite Healthcare Staffing: This medical staffing agency offers access to a wide range of positions, and has been in business for 30 years.
  • Medical Staffing Network: Providing access to all types of medical positions, this staffing agency has a national presence, as well as connections in the city of Milwaukee.

CNA Classes and Licensing Requirements for Milwaukee CNAs

The state of Milwaukee adheres to federal guidelines and mandates when it comes to CNA training, and you’ll find that most CNA programs offer about 120 hours of training between classes and clinical training (the minimum required by the state). Unlike some other states, distance education classes do not qualify a student to take the licensing exam – all studies and clinical work must be performed in person from one of the state-approved CNA programs. The licensing exam comprises both written and oral components, including 72 multiple choice questions. A manual skills assessment is also part of the test. For students failing to pass the exam, a total of three attempts can be made before they are required to undergo CNA training once more.

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Key CNA Training Programs in Milwaukee

Getting the right training is an important part of becoming a certified nursing assistant in Milwaukee. Because the state requires more hours than what is mandated by the federal government, it’s important that you choose a CNA training provider that is state-approved. Thankfully, there are numerous options available both in the city and the surrounding area. The key training programs in Milwaukee include the following:

  • Aurora Health Care: Both an employer and a training provider, students can often transfer directly from this CNA training program to a position within the facility after passing the state’s licensing exam.
  • Milwaukee Center for Independence: Located downtown, this training provider is one of the most respected in the state and offers both CNA classes and clinical training in a single location (some providers offer clinical training in an offsite location only).
  • Quality Healthcare Options: Another of the state-approved CNA programs, QHO offers in-depth training and classes that will help put you on the path to success.
  • Froedtert & Medical College of Wisconsin: Another combined training provider and employer, this can be an excellent option for CNAs looking for varied responsibilities.

Key Milwaukee CNA Employers

For those who have already passed their licensing exam (or are planning ahead to after their CNA training programs are complete), knowing where to look for employment is an important consideration. Of course, not all employers are created equal, and you’ll find that the following options are some of the better choices for trained CNAs in Milwaukee:

Salary Information for CNAs

Pay ranges significantly for CNAs in Milwaukee, depending on your specialty and the specific medical facility in which you’re employed. According to the median annual Certified Nursing Assistant salary in Milwaukee, WI is $31,940, as of August 18, 2020, with a range usually between $26,533-$38,302 (

Key Skills Learned in CNA Training Programs

CNAs will learn a range of vital skills during their training programs, all of which will be important to providing high quality care to patients. Key skills acquired in CNA classes in Milwaukee will include:

  • Communication with other staff, patients and family members
  • Interoffice skills
  • Basic first aid skills
  • Patient care and cleaning skills
  • Wound care and vital signs monitoring
  • Infection control and prevention
  • CNA Training Centers
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