Though a wide open, Midwestern state with a lot of emphasis on agriculture, Des Moines, Iowa is a very active and busy place, and nowhere is this more obvious than in the city of Des Moines. With a population around 201k, it has schools, cultural institutions, hospitals, and a tremendous amount to offer. It is also a location in great need of licensed CNAs, and this means it may be the ideal place to start your career, through the proper CNA classes in Des Moines.

Information About CNA Jobs In Des Moines, IA

You may reasonably worry that the job market is not that busy in a small city such as Des Moines, but you need only look at the industry statistics to see that the field of CNA is growing rapidly, and that all parts of the country are anticipating shortages in the coming years. Looking at the local job bank can see many job openings.

If you already know that you want to be a home health aide, a caregiver, or another type of Certified Nursing Assistant, you can also contact the different staffing agencies in the area to discover what sort of positions they are tasked with fillings. One reputable service for the area is Nurse Force.

CNA Training Programs And Licensing

Of course, before you can even start looking for work you need to be certain that you meet the requirements to become a CNA in Des Moines, Iowa. The first thing to know is that you must obtain your training from programs and their CNA classes that are approved by the State Board of Health.
 Before being permitted to enroll, however,  you have to prove that you are at least 18 years of age, have a high school diploma or GED, you have to undergo a complete physical exam that includes a TB test and drug screening, and you must submit to a criminal background check.
After enrollment, you are committed to your programs with 45 hours of classes in a classroom learning setting and at least 35 hours of “hands on” training in a clinical setting. When these tasks are completed you can then begin preparing for the exam. In Iowa most Certified Nursing Assistant students are given their exam in the location where their classes were taken and completed.
When you pass the exam you are then given your license and your information is added to the state registry Approved Training Centers in Des Moines, IA

Though there are many spots to get training, pre-approved CNA classes in Des Moines are available at the following nearby locations:

Available Medical Assistant Programs Options Accepting Students

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Best Employers To Know

You have to also consider experience as part of your training programs, and this is one of the primary reasons that new CNA graduates like to head to the larger hospitals and clinics in the city. In these locations they get to use all of the skills they were just taught, and they also quickly discover which kinds of CNA jobs they will prefer over the long term. 
There are some award winning centers in the city, and the following would be good options for a CNA:

Salary Information

Naturally, you also want to know what you can reasonably expect to earn in your first years as a CNA. The median annual Certified Nursing Assistant salary in West Des Moines, IA is $31,220, as of August 4, 2020, with a range usually between $25,947-$37,429 (

Essential Skills Learned in CNA Training

You will need to master a lot of material, and it is a blend of technical and practical information found in your CNA classes:

  • Basic CPR;
  • How to take vital signs;
  • Lifting and moving techniques;
  • Listening to and responding to common patient concerns, and how to communicate this to physicians and nurses;
  • How to properly toilet and dress patients;
  • Enforcing patients’ rights,
  • Encouragement of independence for the patients;
  • Safety of the patient;
  • How to clean, bathe, feed, and generally care for patients in many settings; and
  • Control of infection

Additionally, you must be patient, compassionate, work independently, and have a sense of humor!

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CNA Classes in Iowa