CNA Classes and CNA Training Programs in Buffalo, New York (NY)

If you grew up in the Northeast you know that Buffalo, NY is certainly one thing – very cold in the winter. This gives it an unfortunate reputation because it is also a great place to live and work year round. After all, how bad can a place be if it is responsible for the creation of Buffalo Wings? All kidding aside, Buffalo is a city that has a lot of colleges and universities, cultural institutions, outdoor activities, and a booming job market. This is especially true for those in the medical field, and a CNA can find a lot of work in Buffalo. How do you get started? Sign up for CNA classes in Buffalo!

Finding Information about CNA Jobs in Buffalo

Naturally, not all CNA jobs available in Buffalo will be an ideal fit for your particular goals or skills. This is why it is a wise idea to take a look at the broader job market first. For instance, using a site such as the Buffalo pages to see how CNAs are currently being employed will clarify the situation. If you have specific goals and want to get an idea of what you can expect in terms of job offerings for your chosen area, you need to work directly with a medical staffing service. Some of the most reliable include:

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CNA Classes and Licensing Requirements

The state of New York has its own guidelines for CNAs, these are quite a bit different from federal guidelines (though you will not be operating outside of the federally mandated requirements). And New York standards can allow you to get your training and certification in a much shorter period of time.

The process is simple: you enroll in one of the select state approved CNA programs that have been accredited by the New York Department of Health. You will need to be tested for TB, submit a fingerprint ID card, and complete all of the classes and training before you can take New York Nurse Aide Competency exam administered by Prometric. This is an exam that lasts several hours, and if you pass the test you will become listed on the New York State Nursing Home Nurse Aide Registry (also managed by Prometric too).

Training takes 100 hours, with 75 spent in classroom learning and the remainder in a medical or clinical setting during which time your new skills are put to use.

CNA Training Programs in Buffalo

Where are the approved CNA programs in Buffalo? New York is a huge state, and the full list of sites is immense. The locations offering CNA classes in Buffalo include:

Key Employers to Know

Naturally, when you have all of that training and certification it does not automatically guarantee that you will find precisely the job in the area of CNA work that you desire. After all, you may have thought you would prefer one on one but find you really like the hospital setting. This is why we suggest some time at a larger location. The following large scale employers are a great place to get experience, and most of them are known for having great salary and benefits opportunities as well. They include:

Salary Information

The median annual Certified Nursing Assistant salary in Buffalo, NY is $30,870, as of August 18, 2020, with a range usually between $25,635-$37,003 (

Key Skills Learned in CNA Training

With good income potential and a relatively high need for certified professionals, it might seem that working as a CNA in Buffalo is good for someone in need of employment. This, however, is not necessarily the case. Why? In addition to your CNA classes and training, you need patience and compassion as well as having all of the following skills:

  • Knowledge of the equipment for the job;
  • Infection control tactics;
  • Proficiency in all appropriate medical language;
  • Establishing and promoting independence among patients;
  • Abuse recognition;
  • Preparing patient meals and status reports;
  • Communication among peers and patients;
  • Monitoring patient vitals, fluid intakes and mental state, and

Most CNAs will also need to get their CPR training and certification at some point as well.

  • CNA Training Centers
  • Street Address
  • Phone Number
Buffalo EOC 465 Washington Street 716- 849-6737