It may interest you to discover that a lot of people who study to become a CNA in Lincoln, NE are electing to do so in order to use the training as a “gateway”. This is because the fundamental skills learned for this job can create a huge foundation for other medical work. What this has done, however, has left a growing gap in the number of CNAs needed versus the number available, and so anyone interested in living in a safe, clean, and lovely place may also want to consider taking CNA classes in Lincoln.

Finding Information about CNA Jobs in Lincoln

Just consider that working as a CNA does not mean that you are going to spend all of your time in a large hospital or clinic. CNAs work alongside all types of doctors and nurses, and can also work entirely independently as caregivers of many kinds. If you want a very good idea of the work available to a CNA in Lincoln, NE just take a peek at the This shows all of the active listings, but there are more to be uncovered through staffing services too. These are companies that work with healthcare firms to fill positions of many kinds, and if you want a very specific type of CNA work in Lincoln, you may want to contact:

Licensing and Education Requirements

Obviously you cannot just contact any location in need of a CNA without also having all of the proper training and licensing too. In Nebraska that means you have to complete an accredited CNA training program approved by the Nebraska Department of Health.

And it will have to involve at least 75 hours of training and requires a minimum of 16 hours of practical or hands on work. You will also need to pass a criminal background check, take a TB test, and get a physical before you are officially certified.

Once you have completed your training and met the essential requirements, you can then take the official Nurse Aide Exam. A passing grade gets you listed on the Nursing Assistant Registry, and then you can seek a job.

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Key Training Centers in Lincoln

It is fairly overwhelming to take a look at the full list of training centers, but this is not a shock because the state does need CNAs quite badly. For those looking for CNA classes in Lincoln, the best choices will include:

Key Employers to Know

With full training and certification you can start the search for a full time position. Nowhere is this more readily available than in a hospital or medical center. Though there are always many nursing homes and rehabilitation centers, you will find a lot of immediate openings and chances for experience with the following large-scale employers:

Salary Information

The median annual Certified Nursing Assistant salary in Lincoln, NE is $30,370, as of August 6, 2020, with a range usually between $25,231-$36,407 (

Key Skills Learned in CNA Training

With a fair income and lots of job opportunities it appears that the working as a CNA in Lincoln would be the ideal thing for anyone in need of employment. Unfortunately, this is not exactly true. While anyone can learn the skills below, you also need the appropriate attitude and mindset. Patience, compassion, and a good sense of humor are essential skills too. The following are the things you can be taught in your training:

  • Establishing and promoting independence among patients,
  • Proficiency in all appropriate medical language,
  • Abuse recognition,
  • Communication among peers and patients,
  • Using equipment for the work,
  • Infection control,
  • Preparing patient meals and status reports, and
  • Monitoring patient vitals, fluid intakes, and mental state.

Though not mandatory, having CPR certification is also advised.

  • Popular Cities in Nebraska

CNA Classes in Nebraska

  • CNA Training Centers
  • Street Address
  • Phone Number
BryanLGH College of Health Sciences 5035 Everett Street 402-481-3802
Nebraska Health Care Association 3900 NW 12th St Suite 402-435-3551
Providence Health Career Institute LLC 4600 Valley Road #410 402-326-2792
Southeast Community College 8800 O St 402-437-2707
Union College 3800 South 48th Street 402-486-2524